Karstenhaven, a muddy little town on a nothing river, where strange things happened...but nothing of consequence. In 1783 when a brilliant but impoverished tinkerer named H. Herbert Raske invented the Mechanical Limb after his dog suffered a carriage accident. Due to mysterious circumstances his invention ceased to function outside of a fifteen mile radius of his workshop (now Hospital Square). Medical professionals, scientists, engineers, and the limb-less began to flock to Karstenhaven, quickly growing the town into a bustling metropolis.
By the late 1800's the scientific community was well-established, though the scientists ignored the unexplainable truth--many of their successful experiments in biological engineering could not be replicated outside of the city. Men and women calling themselves magicians and witches started to practice within the city, and rumors began to surface that something more powerful than man or beast was slumbering in the center of the city.
Below is my MS Paint-style map of the city, as it stands in the story's time, the 1890's. (Beautiful, is it not?)
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